Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Farm Chicks Giveaway

So here is a fun website to check out; The Farm Chicks. Some of you may know that my mom and I are vendors for it.  They are two very sweet girls with a mission to make your life sweeter, tastier and prettier than it ever was before. So check them out and sign up for a giveaway-Grab bag style nothing but good stuff!

Friday, February 27, 2009

How you measure up the world...

Just today Brinley tells me, "Mom, I'm a big girl but I can't reach cups though;" and gives me that silly little smile and squinty eyes facial expression. I think it is so cute how they view the world and process it all. Just like her created word Lasterday-you know Yesterday and last night combined. I like it; I just might start using it more often.  Another one she said today was, "mom your beautiful, your all shiny and stuff!" Thanks sweetheart I'll just call that a glow and not oily. Oh the things children say. I love it!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Miss you

Nothing like absence makes the heart grow fonder. Because it really does. Brinley and Soren have been gone for a couple of days and I miss them so very much. Brinley and her constant organizing and moving everything everywhere! Her cute little voice and attitude. You never know what that kid will say. I miss you honey and wish I could snuggle close to you. A few more days and I will see you on Wednesday. I love you both more than anything.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

5 months and growing

yes she is 5 months today! She is trying oatmeal and loving it! Occasionally rolling over, and wanting to sit up. When you lay her flat she tries to raise her head and look around and she really wants to go chase the kitties. Watch out world here she comes!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


at 28 i am:
a mother 
a daughter
a sister
a cousin
a friend
a wife
a dreamer
xray tech
wishful thinker
compulsive yard/garage saler

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Burn's Night

So as many of you know Soren is a bagpiper-and quite good if I might add.  They debuted there Lewiston pipes and drums band at Burn's Night last Saturday.  If you are asking yourself what is Burn's night all about let me fill you in. Robert Burn's was poet and Writer from Scotland in 1759-1796 also known as Scotland's favorite son. After this death he was regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement and after his death became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both liberalism and socialism.  His life and work has been celebrated for centuries which include Auld lang Syne (sung on New Years) and many other songs and poems.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tiny Dancers

I know all these pictures of our girls, but they're just so dang cute! I am a geeky mom and found these cute tutu's and sweaters. Oh the joy of dressing them the same, at least for now!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thing 1 & Thing 2

My Aunt gave us these super cute Dr. Seuss onesie's  for the girls for Christmas. They are right, maybe that's what I'll call them-just kidding! They have kicked us off into Dr. Seuss mode though with Horton hears a Who; movie and book. I must say Brinley-boo-hoo and Natalie Who you are the two cutest Who's we've ever seen!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

4 months already?!

Sweet little Natalie. You are already 4 months old! You have worked your way into all of our hearts. You are such a happy baby, sleep thru the night, and have that crazy hair! We couldn't imagine life with out you little sweet pea. 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Brinley

What a big girl you've grown up to be; three! What happened did I blink?  I swear we were wanting to stay an extra day at the hospital because we knew we could never be responsible enough to care for this sweet baby girl. And now here you are growing right up before our eyes. You are such a delight. You have just enough sweet to your sassy! You picked a ladybug theme, so creative! All the family came and mounds of presents came too! You are truly blessed little girl, we love you!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

back to work

I wish I could just be home with these two sweet girls. They are growing so fast. I am grateful for all the time I do get to spend at home I have a great boss who has worked with us for the past three years; I just wish I could wait a few more months or even years! I was not to excited to go back because so much has changed and I'm not even working in xray for awhile- or ever- I don't know, guess I'm not in the loop. Maybe I should look at it as a new experience working in the fileroom. Maybe my work will feel like it use to; but for now my heart longs for these two!